Learning german with mnemonics this ebook applies highly efficient memory techniques to the learning of german grammar. besides learning the crucial german grammar rules you will be learning very efficient mnemonic techniques which will help you to remember these rules in a very powerful way.. Using mnemonics for german grammar the usefulness of mnemonics for german studies doesn’t stop at vocabulary. these devices can also be used to remember german grammar rules .. My deutsch resources downloads. i officially solidly started learning deutsch early december 2011. since then i have created several learning materials to help me better undertand the language..
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So i would advise only to invest in the power-learning kit for german grammar if you want to improve your learning results and if you have understood that a good memory technique is an elementary component in order to remember grammar rules and speak correct german at last.. Home hot new top. this is a community for learners of german and discussions of the german language. check our wiki for materials and tips and the faq for frequently asked questions before posting.. feel free to contribute materials, questions, tips, guides!. The keyword mnemonic to learn vocabulary. keyword method (or mnemonic)is a direct instruction approach and the keyword method, is a way of improving the learner's . 2 farzaneh khabbazibab anari et al.: the magic of mnemonics for vocabulary learning of a second language.
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